<July 19, 2000>
This, was, more or less just a test for that nifty cel-art look. I think, honestly, it's not that bad for a first attempt, and I'll probably try more of it. I realize that her arms.. are.. a bit strained, there, after I had finished it and tried that position myself! Ow! Oh well. >_<
You're a naughty terra-cotta lawn vixen! Into the pool of cheap oil you go. Bad vixen! Shame.
Because I'm currently being sent up walls with Heroes of Might and Magic III's Dragonslayer campaign, I drew this. It's a swamp neodragon with a headpiece rather like the crests of HOMM's rust dragons, a body like a hippo's, flipperlike wings to steer as it swims, and a powerful tail to swim with. Instead of a breath weapon, it belches swamp water and muck dredged from the bottom. I drew its crest thing at a funny angle.
JEDI - original 2700 x 3600 pixels Photoshop - I don't know if this is actually fan art - these were a couple of characters in the Star Wars RPG that I ran several years ago. I've also updated <> with some of my other fantasy art, too.
Ramuh the falcon.
<July 19, 2000>