<July 3, 2000>
- Ummm... Errrr... *thinks quickly*... she made me do it? O_o; .. no that sounds bad too! *babble* eehehee..
- Little Stinky plays a card trick with Kamida.
- this is a surprise for a certain special someone when she gets off her fishing trip *grins* sneaky lil' bugger aren't I? :P Kiki © Mandy
- "Die, art supplies, die!!!" Something I've had the urge to do for a while to the many different art supplies I've been trying to learn in art class. I feel better now, honest...
- Here is another picture of Fuzzyfire and Darkstar. I did this for Fuzzyfire when I heard that Darkstar was killed in a car accident. Now, both characters are property of Jeremy Biskner
- This was done as an art trade. We have StarWulf and Mero planning their escape from a lava pit. My first experiment with using Build from Duke3D to make backgrounds. Starwulf belongs to the guy that made him up, Mero is mine
- One of my characters, Turrican. This was an attempt at 'inking' with the mouse in PSP. I can never seem to decide on what his robotic arm should look like...
<July 3, 2000>