<May 29, 2000>
Merchant. A sketch I did yesterday with a click pencil, the greatest invention sinse Pepsi. My mom likes the monkey ... I liked it when it was just the dog ( a podengo canario
Scene from FurCon 2K. AlMackey and myself look on as Trixi cracks her knuckles in preperation to thwack Tet.. Tet's expression hiden to protect the scared and vulnerable.. ie him.. 8)
Days off are wondeful! I finally had time to work ont he first page of a new comic, Shivae! and here's one of the panels. I'm very happy with how it turned out.
Um.. Aisling! Requested by Aisling. o8-)
This is the "me" right now... an' NO, I'm not dead, so nyeh... well, braindead maybe, but not gone for good or anything... mrph... anyone got a spare hug and some tranquilizers to part with?...
...But on a lighter note, here's Speck in a pretty prom dress... I on one hand wouldn't be caught dead in anything without sleeves, jis personal pref... but, gonna have a hard time come the junior prom next year... =/
And, re-design of Sam... erk, from Siam, I guess... (don't worry, I'm almost done...) He's such a cutie ;)
New look (again), this time inspired by a friend at school's design... actually, this pic is an oxymoron, I'm not quite that cheery right now...
Workout... he was gonna be looking at something, but that something escaped my mind for the moment... not unusual tho, heh...
After much studying of my rather lazy Butterfly fish, I sketched up (then recently colored from mind..the colors look a little off)the non-anthro fish..then to fill up the page i designed his morph look. Meet butterfly (who looks like the most miserable fish alive with that big down-turned mouth). By the way, on the silouette version, those aren't booby tassles or what ever else they may look like 9.9 ...they're fins...and yes i know that one is placed a bit..awkwardly? ...I may change it. (How udder-ly wonderful...?? *snort*) anyways..
Danny. He didn't like this picture. I wonder why.
This guy once told me that he didn't draw toes because they weren't necessary. So I thought he wouldn't mind not having any toes himself. Nuh huh, Bander boy.
<May 29, 2000>