<May 11, 2000>
Kimono Skunk and Yasha-Myr join Joie leVivre in a Japanese tea ceremony.
Rico Mephit, being somewhat a Mexican skunk, can still speak fluent pee-you!
As a treat to Eric, since he's "been waiting forever for me to sketch in his book", I quickly did this pic in his sketch pad after the s7work.jpg pic. Apparently, he liked it. Sir Kain (C) Eric Goodwin, Bad Karma (C) Jason Lamey
Sir Kain (Eric Goodwin) asked me to do a sketch about what we do on Side 7 in his sketchbook. Welp, here's the result of that. ^_^ Sir Kain (C) Eric Goodwin, Bad Karma and image (C) Jason Lamey
'Nother pic inspired by "Shaded Red". Yes, I listen to weird music. Image © me, lyrics (including the lyrics in the last one I posted) © Shaded Red
<May 11, 2000>