<May 7, 2000>
As I was inking this picture, it occurred to me that she rather looks like MelSkunk. I was tempted to color her blue and call it a piccie of Mel, but I thought that might be cheating. :D Anyhow, the glasses are too small.
This is Cheeyote, a mix of, well, a cheetah and a coyote! Spiffy idea, eh? Well, it wasn't mine. I just drew Cheeyote for her. She is © herself, art is © me. She was done in colored pencils mainly. I like this one a lot for the mood. When I can I'm going to make a background, adding in the moon she's calling to.
Art and Iona ©2001 myself. Avatar ©2001 his creator. Inspired back when they RP'd together. It will be remembered. Colored pencils and markers.
Lucretia 'Lucky' Linsang! She's not at all one to be messed with. She may look all prim and proper, but thats just a front. She's © her creator, art © me. Done with markers and colored pencils.
Art Deco Cat! I named her Molly after she was finished. From there I created her a little sister. Eventually I might turn this into something.
I made this little design while thinking about a relative of mine who has become rather famous in the stain glass world of art. I've never met him but maybe one day if we do cross paths, I might ask him for some scraps so I can actually do something with this. ^.^ All in markers.
Remember my character Felicity from way back? Long ways back. Well she was remade, redesigned, and all cool! Kat was the one who actually suggesed giving her three tails, bat wings, and basically making her look more like a raver. Woo! Anyway, my sweety coloured her yup, and it looks all funky 'cause it does. The new fur design, the orangy yellow's also pretty wicked. Love that. See that big long name on the right there? ..Yeah, that's my full greek name, just in case you uh.. were wondering. o.O © Gus Kosmopoulos 2000
The sword of Democles. My favorite image in the last while. For an FNC (fanzine) cover.
Trixi and Tet in Doric Greek style. YES, my architecture sucks. Been meaning to draw them for a while, so here they are. They are, of course © themselves
Done after the Tell Tale Heart, this is an image I drew about a year ago, that I forgot to UL. YES, it is supposed to be this sketchy. The wolf guy is my canine everyman.
Nikashi of YiffNet. I was fascinated by his character, a pink and blue Mewphit (skunkcat). The background is because he reeks of cotton candy scent. Nikashi©himself
Contrary to recent emails yes I am alive, and here's something to prove it. A new episode is up, but not here 'cause it's pretty graphic. I'm not bulls***ing, this one's NOT for kiddies, I've never taken up something like this one. Anyhoo, here's something to tide you over. It's kind of a "behind-the-scenes" thing I conjured up. This one's of me and Drake getting ready for his first "scene." I'm giving him some last minute pointers while the costume manager finishes up his wardrobe. "Chosen" is (C) me. And now on to those commissions...
MAD SCRIBBLES (and appropriately named (the madness is growing!!)) it's the sequel! heh. Some of this actually has a bit of artistic value to it, but the rest is just senselessness and should never be viewed by others. Which is why I'm showing it to you! © ME!
<May 7, 2000>