<May 2, 2000>
just the random bunny, did it in about 20 minutes today, *shrugs* nothin else to say :P other than he's © me
A group picture of all of the Squires to replace the really old one. The original measures 11x14 and took me a month to finish. Unfortunately most of that time wasn't spent on art, either. <sigh>
^_^ Well, that was a marvelous little adventure. Well anyway, this Is (from foreground to back) Farrah Zud Sarah and Bob, my four favorite Freakadillos. This picture will probably be used on my fictional webpage. Freakadillos © me
A picture of the gypsy-lioness, Moriah, for the extremely talented Drew Palmer! Based somewhat on her artwork and style. Done in prismacolor markers and pencils on bristol board (I'm never doing pencils on that again. Erk...) Moriah is © to Drew. =)
This was SUPPOSED to be uploaded around Easter, but it didn't get done. Twap=me in my easter clothes, standing by a lopsided imaginary stained-glass window. © me.
18 practice sketches of Twap's head. I was working on expressions, see....
Inspired by a pic of Ajax that Chella Reaves drew and the start of my wing craze. Coincidentally it looked like it could go with psywings.jpg, so i did the coloring similar to least this one didn't get the 'glare' that the Psycrowe pic' has. Ajax belong to Jessica Ratte so there :)
Getting around to coloring some stuff now..and went on a wing craze too...everything i drew had wings on it and characters who didn't have wings before temporarily grew Psycrowe here. She looks more like a bat now eh? But the wings are meerly symbolic and aren't staying..i had a story behind this picture, but the words to explain it aren't coming to me at this moment. And the shine on the red is from my scanner. This picture didn't scan good at all :/... Prints will probably be availible for this picture sometime soon.
<May 2, 2000>