<April 30, 2000>
Here's HoneyBadger licking the Tabasco sauce off of Toast after he'd jumped into her popcorn. I really can't recommend popcorn sprinkled with Tabasco enough. I saw it once in a show about Guam and gave it a try. It's great, but pretty darned hot. :D Toast is copyright 2000 by John Peterson.
Happy B'day you "old" Folf you. *hugs and schtuff*, Fangs.
Weeee! Hopefully he won't slam into the side of the Mountain ;) 11x14 colored pencil [bryce 3-d help for the clouds].
SD Syke has a small problem with little kids mistaking her for something she's not. Panel from my first color comic strip. Syke and Image © to Tiffany Ross
Limpidity #388: Tkui Tsui, Part 1
Limpidity #389: Tkui Tsui, Part 1
Limpidity #390: Tkui Tsui, Part 1
<April 30, 2000>