<April 28, 2000>
Fizzgig... What the...? That's not how you wear a collar!
_Chameo_ oil pastel, same as Wild Anole, only better. Damn cameras. Damn scanners.
A quick sketch based on a pic from a biology book when I should have been doing homework. Which is especially off topic because the class was Plants & Society. Oh yeah, I'd direct you to more of these on my website that I'm not putting on Yerf, but I don't have a website. Like I really have time to write html! ::laughs with a slightly crazy edge::
Mother will they put me in the firing line? /Is it just a waste of time? /Hush now baby, baby don't you cry /Momma's gonna make all of your nightmares come true /Momma's gonna put all of her fears into you /Momma's gonna keep you right here under her wing /She won't let you fly but she might let you sing /Ooooh babe, you'll always be baby to me /Mother did it need to be so high?
_Wild Anole_ oil pastel, whatever size, blah blah blah, copyright me.
Cruddy scan of a nearly-completed work in progress... A strange creature who's going to be a part of my final portfolio for one of my studios here at school.
a simple head shot of Angie Armatage, geez...i havent drawn her in a long time.. she's still © me o' course
For those of you few who still look up into the sky in awe...
one of the Krazy KatZ company duo, she's a © of Krazy Katz. Their website can be found at this address ..ooohh Deja Vu! @o;
one of the Krazy KatZ company duo, he's a © of Krazy Katz. Their website can be found at this address
Queen Barenia....d'I have no idea where she came from o.o; i know, drew :P and there she was, must have been seeing Willow again that made her come out :P small people with abnormally large hands o.-; kinda freaky deaky...
The time wrinkle story continues... but it seems that Kendall's overconfidence might not. Has Max improved his fighting skills a wee bit, hmmm? >:) (I played the soundtrack music to "Back Street Brawl" while drawing this.)
<April 28, 2000>