<March 24, 2000>
Portrait of a reallygood and reallytalented friend... Lyosha is Amy Fennell's spottyarsed griffin. This pic still needs work and a better scan-job. (In the actual pic, the left eye's pupil is not screwy...)
Like anyone else, sometimes Asheru gets cranky. Here she is re wrapping her arm, showing how she feels about the current moment. Pencil on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 3 / 2000
The Local Governor grants employment to wounded veterans of the legions who have no family or other prospects, that are able to work. This is some of the staff Asheru Sees when the party pays their respects. From Left to Right: The Chief of Household Staff, A groundskeeper (armed as he works outside), an elderly scribe. Not a veteran, but maybe the family of one, are these two linnen maids, probably mother and daughter. Pencil on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 3 / 2000
Here is a group of villagers in the lands of the civilized lupines. From Left to right, is a human customer, a prosperous merchant couple, showing middle class dress ( as well as some upper class details, and devotional symbols) a Legionary in a mail hauberk and cloak with spear, a low class laborer, and a visiting barbarian, looking to buy goods. Pencil on Paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 3 / 2000
Squirt Osprey in a wonderful tropical place..... A nifty photoshop re-do of the original image from 1998. Squirt © 2000-March Me!
A furry take on the Frazetta classic art. Brush and airbrush watercolor and acrylic on canvas. Orignal 9"x12"
An old piece from about 1990 that I've haven't finished yet. Acrylic and guache on illo board. Zoomed in view of about 6" section of larger peice.
Really old art from about 1982, inspired by an even older Vicky Wyman T-shirt design of about 1976. Ink and watercolor on paper. Original a little over 4" high.
Seriously old sketch art, but a nice piece I've always liked. HB pencil on "toothy" sketcbook paper. About 3" wide.
Very small illustation. Look, the bear isn't experiencing any pain. That must be a first for me. Bears are usually so much fun to tourture- On paper, that is... Like I go around hurting bears in real life... pffft. I have never even seen a bear. I'm rambling, aren't I?
Emmet Cenoven, cardinal pirate. He used to be a gennet, but none of you knew him, so it doesn't matter.
Hey all. This is a drawing I did of an Unnamed feline female. I was working with pencil chalk pastels. I hope you all like... It's been a while.
Semi-old drawing started just after newdress.jpg and finshed about a half hour ago. Seems Veronica's talked herself into the driver's seat of a Lamborghini Diablo for a quick hot lap. Yeah, like she'd have to talk much dressed like that...
<March 24, 2000>