<March 9, 2000>
A picture I did in college of me as a fox. Kinda crude, I admit. But at least it's color. Look! Pretty flowers!!!
Warpath De Le Lizard. A commission of a multiple limbed one eyed snakeman in camo pants, combat boots, holding a really big gun. Like? Me like.
Would YOU buy a used car from this species stereotype? Honest John, my persona from my "JustMe" page on FurBid . . .
OoOooOooOoh angsty
Thank you for the nice pic Chilly! T'would seem the marshmallow ladies are indeed on the move. :) (BTW the image that Chilly drew preceding this is at and the one I did is at
"The Yerf Race is Over!?" Okay so we all knew that, but these guys didn't. So who's to say thats gonna stop them? Ack, Mouse is actually helping!?
BackStab! BackStab! Victor gasses Catlove and Rudy and runs off to claim his prize!? Mouse! Aren't you gonna do something!? I mean besides collect your fee! O.o;
A sketch..colorful sketch..a morphed my betta, Red eyed Rage (name fits for a red eyed fish that attacks his own reflection =) ) and in this pic i basicly mapped out his colors...some need to be changed, but i thought i'dd share since i have nothing else to upload at this time...nothing yerfable i mean =). I may do a good copy someday....till then, rage the betta is © to me =)
<March 9, 2000>