<March 4, 2000>
Mitzi Drakeriver, from "Eden PATHS". I really like the detail on the subject - but ignooooore the baaackkgrrouund... (I just threw that in there - why??) This would be the first thing I'd transfer to a big peice o'Bristol paper if I had the chance... the question is: should I CG it or should I use traditional media for it? If anyone would like to help me out on this, thank you in advance!
My half of an art trade with Lonnie DiNello. Done in prismacolor markers. Dalia is © to Lonnie DiNello. And by the way - thanks to all you Yerf-ers who wrote me! I got the warmest welcome! Thanks so much!! Y'all are awesome!
Heh. What can I say? No lab rats were harmed during the making of this picture, despite what Dr. Skorzy tells you. ;) This picture came out of a MUCK log, and I thought it was rather funny so I decided to draw it. Poor fellow. Skorzy's head will never be the same. Lyosha gets a little over-enthusiastic sometimes... Ly and artwork is © to me, and what's left of Skorzy is © to him... *snickers*
<March 4, 2000>