<February 2, 2000>
Ashen the fire dragon, another one of my creations and quite popular with the art trades. :) This is a really bad-quality scan of an older picture.
Something I tried to upload awhile ago, but the web manager thing was broken. It's Jaiden, a black cat, leaning against a table. This was his really belated birthday present, but he liked it anyways. Jaiden is © Dave White.
Hi folks! Just doing some maintenance here in my Yerf.Com archival domain before zipping back to the real world! So far, this race looks like it's gonna be a dilly! But it looks like Gene Catlow and Hammer Hoof aren't going to have a fair chance of entering, let alone winning that race in their current situation. Let's see what I can do about that! :o) - (Copyright information on image).
Whoa... outa the clear blue sky (with what appears to be a timely bit of assistance from Matt Peters, thanks!) Hammer Hoof seems to be a changed horse! Maybe I can make the race after all... :)
I live! Wow, it's been a while. ^.^ Things have been busy. Before I start uploading in earnest, I'm uploading this picture - a quick attempt at making a tiger who LOOKS like a tiger. (Pen and ink on paper)
Thanks for the invite Blackfrost, but no matter how cute I look.. no horse is going to come near me. The Shivae's reputation as a horse/unicorn eater proceedes them.
<February 2, 2000>