<January 24, 2000>
Commensing Eldria Fox Update: The all new and imporved Eldria Fox! Includes ultra cute dimples and super-duper plushie-like cutening eyes! Each Eldria Sold Separately. Batteries not included.
I attempted coloring a scanned black and white drawing in photoshop. If anyone knows of any tools besides the airbrush and paintbrush that could help me, I'd be ever so appreciative!
My friend Steve's character, Iyu, in color, still trying to make that shot. Iyu © Steve Domanski
A cheetah, he is is a commion pic for Zyme.
This is a new costume for Galen the Saintly that I hope to debut sometime this year.
This raccoon is bad.
Silas likes movies, but Silas has sucky sound system. So what does Silas do? Silas blows almost a grand on new Sony DVD and digital sound system. Silas happy. Silas watch 13th Warrior on DVD. Silas very happy. Silas go now. Silas watch entire Die Hard Trilogy. Silas deaf in a month. Bye.
Shai the meerkat, dressed in the typical attire of a Masai tribeswoman, as based on a few photos I dug up online. Don't look now, but there's even a hint of background.
<January 24, 2000>