<December 15, 1999>
Awww.... Arwin looking all cute. Hehehe, even though she really insn't all that nice.;)
I hate you, John Nicholas!
Happy Holidays from the Phillips Family. Hmmm I wonder what Kassy did now??? Notice: Catnel getting away from the blame here. :) Husband is horrified.
I love you, Kohii Canyon! Kohii is just a muck character I've been using for about four years now. He's kinda been overshadowed by my more popular coyote "alter-ego" Yippee Coyote. Scratchy pencil with computer color underlay for a vague marker effect.
What does a vixen do with a giant candy cane and some red ribbon? She wishes you a happy holiday season! [Laurie Fox © me]
Hi folks! ^_^ I have returned! And I bring you a cute pic of Meeka-chan! (I'll be cleaning some of the older stuff out over the holidays...grab what ya like quickly ok? ^_^)
I heard Ukyo (Of Ranma 1/2) singing her "Okonomiyaki Love Letter" song and this image of Irene came to mind ^_^. Kawaii neh?
In homage to a comic strip artist that I absolutely loved, although you couldn't tell it from my artwork or strips. I'm loving this strip more and more, just wish I could DO more of them. Radical © Tiffany Ross, 1999
Little Hairy Evil Spirit. Fun! Or whatever.
A cute skunk sits in the grass. I bet she is waiting for her boyfriend :) Art©1999 by Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit) If you wish to use any of my art. Please email me.
<December 15, 1999>