<December 13, 1999>
HappydiscoKitt! Kinda the true spirit of my char, you won't find her looking like iscrwdup.jpg often. =oP This isn't how I intended for this pic to turn out, so if I ever get the other copy to work out correctly this'll be reuploaded...... Trying to figure out how to do 'sparkly' without lens flares that look too cheesy. *sigh* The rest came out all right, I guess! Right. Well. Anyway. Back to the drawing board.
Well it took a little longer to get this page uploaded than the others, but I've been busy (see last U/L). It's like 10"x14" ink on bristol. What else is there to say but, Hondas are junk! Art characters and story are © TM 1998-1999 by John Macfarlane.
A monotone Vanessa looking very wishful. Consider this my Christmas pic. ^_^ Good wishes to you and yours. New Chosen poll at Chosen is (C) me.
Part 2: Zabuko Troll, Pixie Princess, Lui Wizard and Relga Amazon (not particularily in that order). And that's about it with Jumpy's current trainees. o8-)
<December 13, 1999>