<December 10, 1999>
Happy birthday once again, Coolest of Cats! This was inspired by a picture of Trixi's. The birthday feline is © Albert Temple, and the lady cat in his life is © Tawana Gilroy. :)
Ladies and Gentlemen, quite possibly the last file that will ever be produced by me. A certain lop is about to chop my hands off. © you know the drill.
I was told I was not good enough to be on Yerf anymore so this will be my last post. Orwin. 1996-1999
I love cephalopods, but it doesn't necessarily follow that they love me. Or Yellow3, for that matter.
Legendary Animals form a link with one another symbolizing the ancient animal styles in karate. This piece was created for my cousin and Sensei who now owns his own karate studio. The original now hangs in his Dojo. However, prints are available.
Happy Birthday to me and Gene! Looks like it's finally happened. Gene is now twice my age. And he's never looked better. 8-) BTW, there's actually a new strip on my site today (12-10-99). It's at , for those who don't check my index page..
Oh, what-ever. The daft piece you see here was intended all along to be uploaded in place of the silly and very primitive sketch which had all the eBay and © crap on it, once the auction had ended and the 'joke' was over. Tough room indeed, I see that now, but my thanks go out to the dozen-odd individuals gifted with a sense of humor, who shared a giggle with me here at the expense of nobody. Pardon the unintended and unexpected eruption of b.s., but remember - life is short and crap is 100% biodegradable.
*SIGH*... YES, it was supposed to be a surprise!!! O_O ... what I want to know is.. how did she find out? O_o Anyway.. my webpage on my new domain isn't really up yet. It will be soon... <:)
Annnnd, here we have the latest Pokemon Knockoff, only this one came about while noting that kids like memorizing things they want to and trying to figure out a way to make it 'educational'. I have a LOT of thinking time at work, and here is the FIRST of the Periodic Monsters, bahahah! I'm so evil... I'm glad I'm NOT a teacher.
Sorry about the re-upload, but this time, the picture has a background! It's a mage cat, performing a spell. It's on ebay, #217579881.
<December 10, 1999>