<December 6, 1999>
A stalinist penguin. I really shouldn't be polluting the airwaves of yerf with rough sketches, I know, but what the hey... BTW- I'm working on your picture, Jose- don't worry...
Two pencil studies of a wolfmorph's head. I was trying to capture the sad, submissive, friendly look you often see with wolves and domestic dogs.
WOW! Considering I sped through this one, This is a pretty dern good picture of Arwin! It's in more of my own style then Tracys this time. What dost thou think?;)
Wooo, another one down! Ayeka of Furcadia, a mood panthress (I know she looks like a housecat, shhhh!) She must be inna good mood. Before you ask, this ain't a Christmas pic, the red and green just matched. =oP This is for a picture exchange.
A restless night and leftover Taco Bell are responsible for this monstrosity. Guard your pseudo-mexican comestibles carefully! The food you lose may be your own! Fun Fact #341: "Chalupa" apparently means "little canoe" according to
Sometimes ya just gotta go out in the wind to face the birdz.
Did you know the same guy who designed the Parappa the Rapper characters did the art for the TMBG 'pink' album as well? Now you do. -
Redesigned Joey a bit. Her hair was too "glow in the dark" for my taste. © is on the pic.
<December 6, 1999>