<December 2, 1999>
This one is for Megan, who asked so nicely. Sometimes, especially when animating a character, the character takes up residence in your head. It's obvious that she's "related' to the Q2 model I recently completed, but is not /quite the same. Occasionally she sits in myhead and asks to be let out onto the paper, and oftne I have no clue what she wants to do.This is her using her weapons. Pencil on paper. Scott Ruggels 1999
A lot of times, a character will show other sides of themselves unexpectedly. I never expected her to be "nice", but she seems to be. This is a cropped version of a larger sketch page . the full page I will post to "binaries" as it has (gasp!) humans in it. But a lot of this is exploring character. Finding out what they are like. (not that this does me a whole lot of good, as I have lots of characters, and a poor ability to tell stories.) If I have to animate her again, I'm ready. Scott Ruggels 1999
I like to find out about new animals, for example, yesterday I learned of a large, spider-legged creature, called a House Centipede. Apparently they live in my dorm... um.. and I hate killing things, so I trapped the one in my room in a cookie tin and let it go outside... it was like three inches long. They say bigger ones live in the basement..
Next episode of Chosen. Vanessa's still drunk as an irishman and now has the hots for....JARVIS?! Check out the site to find out why. Chosen is (C) me.
Rough sketch of a soon to be markered and inked pic.
My lady cat knows the story behind this pic. ;)
Rachael realizes that parts for a soviet built engine may be hard to find in the south pacific. Rachael Rachomonav copyright me
Nothing puts the fear in the hearts of terrorists like 100% pure fresh Skunk juice! Kristi's weapon of choice, garunteed to stop them, and with less paperwork as well :) Kristi Becker is copyright me
Kari Thatcher, current holder of the Maximum Climb to Orbit record, Freelands Republic Air Force.
Rachael puts her foot down, something not good to do in the 1930's in the Soviet Union. (She was proven right when it went up in a rather spectacular fireball on its first flight:)
Rachael discusses the first flight of the engine testbed aircraft with her mechanic Tawnya. both Copyright me
"Ricky, DROP THE CHALUPA!!!" ...hee. Pic inspired by the Taco Bell commercial.. Ricky c. to me and Chalupa's are c. to Taco Bell, I guess...Hee.
I think this one has become my fav pic o' Mac..I drew this other one, but I'm starting to like this one better....But anyways, here he is, doing sumthing...I dunno what, but I like this one..hee. Specially the face..turned out perfect..Same with the pants...(mind you I was using my pinky size pcrayon that kept getting smaller as we speak...)Anyways, Jack be c. to moi! Yup.
Hee hee..lookit! It's Rage and Aleisha dancing (OOoOOooOOoOOO!!!! Rage has a giiiiiiiiirlfriend! *said in the typical Vivian fashion...* I really like this one...Very good..But don't ask me why, but I think Rage reminds me of David Duchovney in this pic..I have no idea why though...But anyways, me love this one :) Rage c. to me, and Aleisha c. to Steph, amigos!
Woah..where..where..where am I? Oh! it's Yerf! heh heh..havn't been here in ages, it seems..but anyways, Hi Everybody! Hee. Here is a cute pic o' Rage sittin' looking hunky :) Hee. It looks like he's pondering..Dunno. Anyhoo, Rage c. to me. Yup.
OooOooOOoOOOooOOOO! Trekker hassa Giiiiiirrrllfriend! *said in the typical Vivian fashion...* Heee..Here is a very good piccie of Trekker and Ratfinky dancing! Guys look hot in suits and glasses...hee...I luv how this one turned out..specially Ratfink :) Anyhoo, Trekkie c. to me, and Ratfink c. to Steph. Yup :)
<December 2, 1999>