<November 21, 1999>
Coco the Chocolate Kangaroo is showing off her brand new "Box-o-chocolate Kangaroos" cookies :) she had her own line of her brand name baking goods, and lots of ready to make cakes, pies, cookies, ect. I bet her brands of baking goods are a lot better then those that come from that boy made of dough :) Coco the Chocolate Kangaroo is copyright © Ben Rodriguez (AKA Redoxen) :)
Ferrets like socks....
"Turn your thoughts away from the garish light of day, turn your thoughts away from cold, unfeeling light. . . and listen to the music of the night. . ." - Andrew Lloyd Webber, Phantom of the Opera. I had a bit of time this weekend, and decided to fill it up a bit. A scene from a Halloween costume party - yeah, that's Is'khathi in that Phantom gear. I'm a little behind. . .
I did this pic some time ago, but I couldn't post it intill I change a few things to it.. if anyone wont's the full version of this pic just e-mail at [email protected]. Yea my e-mail has change once again. This should be the last time.....i hope?
Jarvis is spooked by something in the woods. Check out the Chosen page to find out what it is. Chosen is (C) me.
Oh, um, yeah. Ferri Fennec and Maleck Fox, both © to Jamie.
A lot of lean, feral wolves engage in some terrifying ritual by firelight. Done on commission for Sanguine Productions, Ltd., maker of the Ironclaw RPG (
<November 21, 1999>