<November 16, 1999>
A more recent picture of my character Mary looking swell :) Mary the mouse is copyright © Ben Rodriguez (AKA Redoxen)
An unfinished(and unlikely to be finished) illustration from the book "The Mouse and His Child". Manny the rat villain wheedles the windup mice into following him to his home. A book I really loved as a kid and just recently rediscovered in a used bookshop.
Boy, I hope this comes through...this is a quick sketch that turned into a very long adventure with Adobe. Unfortunatly, 5 hours of sleep are not conductive to good use of color, so it looks a bit off. :) Anyway...Trixi, Tet, here's one for you...
Can this be?! Vanessa and Douglas in a passsionate embrace?!?! Is this just boredom run rampant, or is there actual validity to this...? Only time (and story) will tell... Chosen is (C) me.
Anime-style! Feline in a traditional kimono. Somehow kitty in a kimono sounds too cute. Draw in prismacolor markers with a bit of pencil. It's also up for bid on ebay, so stop on by! 1654894
A few months ago while half-watching a program at a friend's house on one of those literate, erudite cable channels about American musical theatre, I did a quick doodle of CW and myself in a scene from some imaginary stage production. But! Just this last weekend, as the Trixilop has noted, there was a great get-together where I got to meet both the kinetic KarenKat and the awesome Ashryn, both of whose talents I am in awe of. Ashryn was generous enough to ink my sketch in her own distinctive style. Unbelievably beautiful. :)
<November 16, 1999>