<September 28, 1999>
Line art of a redesigned Delilah Tempest, after listening to Karenkat's wonderful auditions for her voice! (Yes, Tet's auditioning folks to do the voices of the Guardians for an audio type thang! Go to and check it out if'n ya wanna!) If I haven't emailed peeps back, it's because I lost everything reinstalling Nutscrape. *pout* Delilah © Ryan Dewalt, Delilah's voice provided by Karen Kra...Kray...Krayen...Kraj...*grunt* Karenkat.
My life. Maybe you'll find it amusing.
I figured I should pop up an example of what I can do with Photoshop these days... This is Hadrian, a member of the Zephyr Knights on DexM, a rather odd bunch. Rather than admire valor or fairness in fighting, they aspire to creativity. They like bizarre-- and risky-- technique, and the more unpredictable the weapon, the better. Hence Hadrian's triblade, and the bladed chain, which can have the triblade attached to it for added flash and pizazz. They think they're the best. Others would agree, and add that they're wackos. Either one's right. Hadrian is © myself.
Doodles I do when I am supposed to be working; or how I was feeling at 4 pm today...inked of course!
A day in the life of your average nicotine addicted, alcoholic wurm...
Another one, done only with my tablet on Photoshop. I used this one to make a Winamp skin. You can download the skin at and while you're at it, check out my site at I've finally updated it ;) Joey © me.
<September 28, 1999>