<September 14, 1999>
Alan now has learned, DON'T try to teach Candy anything that requires physical contact, you'll get the snot beat outta ya!
Just some sketches of most of the female characters on the good guy side.;)
An unfinished pic I did of a few of out more detailed characters, body mark wise! I didn't like it so I stopped, but Alan looks cool!
Look! It's Copy Cat, Candy and Cyber Cat! The three bad girls in FF! Don't mess with these chickies, heck no!!! HEHE! Copy Cat is © Bevin Candy © ME and Cyber Cat © to my pal Karine!
Peliminary sketch of a new character I'm developing for a pet project of mine, Misty the Squirrel. She's very shy and quiet, but has one heck of an imagination in that fluffy little head of hers. This is an early concept sketch and her design is still changing, but I thought it would be interesting to put this up for reference. Misty © me.
(DAMN those 8.3 filenames!) I spent some of my birthday money buying a book on the proper usage of markers, so I thought I'd try it out for this second concept sketch of Misty. This drawing was done on Bristol board and coloured with Prismacolor and Pantone markers. Note how much smoother the black lines are when drawn on Bristol compared to ordinary paper as in Misty1. Alas, the scanner mangled this one. Adjusting the levels partially retrieved the colours, but I couldn't do much about the banding. I need a REAL scanner! Misty © me.
Well..this was a pretty big picture, so I had to scan it in two pieces. My scanner+pasting pieces together+lossy files makes for a very crappy image. Oh well, I worked very very hard on it, and I hope that's still somewhat evident ^_^ does the picture make any sense? no? good =)
Every little girl wants to wear the same kind of dress her mother does. April is no exception :) Melissa, and Roger are happy to see her as well. Art ©1999 by Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit)
Holy cow! o_O I got over 15 requests for more piccies of Talia!! All right, people! Here's one. Anyone wanna try coloring this? I sure don't ;) she's © me and all.
<September 14, 1999>