<August 24, 1999>
Reupload - a few simple revisions by popular demand. More depressing tomfoolery in poorly saturated blacks and browns.
A half-inked sketch of a lion noble with a shoulder bag o' surprises. Look s like it might be bad news for the unicorn lady perched on the water fountain. Oo, water ! The essence of life. Wait, no, that's sobe... Nevermind. Contents copyrighted to me. Hey look, it even has a background!
Magnorium Furlong (Magnum for short). This is a Golden Chinese Dragon morph on furry.
A pict of Reese the half-robotic Sabre-tooth tiger on FurryMUCK. Reese is (C) her player.
Please forgive me - I was listening to Weird Al, looking at TenNapel and thinking absolutely nothing. For upcoming questions I take no responsibility..
Been meaning to do this for a while, but got inspired by other recent pics. I also get 'the look' from a certain ladyfox I know. She's trying to convince me of a few things, but I'm not biting. My solution? Give 'the look' right back at her.
A swap with DarkKitten. She's picking out her weapon of the day, and is torn between two different types. Variety is the spice of carnage, after all.
<August 24, 1999>