<August 22, 1999>
natural enemies shouldn't go clubbing together...
Here's a little anniversary pic -- I've been together with my Fuzzybear for over a year now! If Fuzzy looks a little exasperated, it's because he's got a "Merf"-ing skunkie more or less permanently attached to his shoulder. <g>
Amanda, the lovely panda, with her little fluttery friend
The hero Gabriel, standing in the doorway, shrouded in the bright light, ready for action.
This is a Commission Piece done for Reto Roth of his character Abakan. He asked for a pic with Abakan and a Vixen I'd drawn a couple of years ago (Toy), and that's what he got! Medium: Dip Pen and Coloured Pencils. Abakan © Reto Roth
This is the companion picture to the inked sketch of Erin I up-loaded a couple days ago--Bliss is wearing one of Erin's tubetops, promising to return it--and hiding a handful of miscellaneous Erin jewelry behind her back. Ah, l'amour.. ^_^ Bliss © Amanda Barney
Rayne, Celina and Tira of GoldDigger MUSH, my little corner, in their favorite activity, teasing Rayne *The Black Fox*. Tira and Celina © to Tiffany Ross. Rzyne © to himself.
<August 22, 1999>