<August 19, 1999>
Mmmmmm flooooof. Here's another pic of Suleika. :)
"Hybrid" - Jynx said he had trouble finding interesting things to make his character worth-while. Well, I wanted to help out, so I started sketching. I didn't mean for it to look this freaky, but I _hope_ he'll like it anyway. :)
Charles M. Schulz 1922-2000. RIP.
..... " If Death called, would you answer? " .....been down n depressed lately.
Just a pratice in copying a fox head to look the same. Getting there.
Look! The anime vixen has a biiiiiig sword! What, were you expecting something else? Haha, showed you. Possible t-shirt design for FurtherConfusion is © to me. And yeah, it says fox or something on the bottom. That's not a blatant attempt at a watermark. it's just a bunch of letters covering some of the image.
Yune'i got a hair cut.^^ haven't drawn her in a long time so i uh..drew and sister Yune'i and Ark -c- me and Ark.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, it's been awhile since I've up-loaded anything. By the by, the Scratching Post is down until further notice (which may never come) 'cuz I am tired of relocating. I'm a lazy biznatch, what can I say??... picture... Erin lookin' Erin-ie. I donno WHAT she has in her hand, but it's probably meant for evil. Erin's darlin' self © my not-so-darlin' self (chirp, chirp, twee)
<August 19, 1999>