<August 7, 1999>
There is now a BBS/MESSAGE BOARD on m'site!^^; Go sign it!=) Ennywayz, this is a b/w version of a pic I'm doing fer Emily-sama.^^; I *still* gotta catch up...I'm workin' on your pikature, Erin!!^^ *wink!* Jojoushi (C) Emily Smith!
Cooney in happy funktastic vectorland.
Don't see too many aquatic animals on yerf. This -- isn't one of 'em either...
Heres my half of a pic exchange with Callista Firecat :) In return, she drew me a nice pic of Calico :) i liked it very much :) So, here is Callista! I like this one :) Callista is c. to her respectful owner :) Yup.
Heh heh...recently, at the beginning of the summer, I got to redo my room (finally) got new wallpaper and stuff...then, I was inspired to do this appears that Noah is...redecorating his room 0_o...wonder if Calico's mom knows about this... Noah c. to Steph Ratte, Cal (because she's kinda sorta in the picture) is c. to me. Yup.
Awww!!! Look! It's Noah! And he's singing!!! AWWWW!!...*crack!!!*...There goes my window...j/k... Noah c. to Steph Ratte. Yup.
Uh oh. Noah's sunburnt. Noah c. to Steph Ratte. Yup :) (I luv this one!)
Ratfink drews me chars SO often, gotta do revenging! This pic was pretty fun to do, too! The three witchcats. A picture that makes you wish to be everywhere but on the recieving end of THAT triple-stare. o8-)
Oh I hope Trixi likes this. I told her I would do a picture for a art exchange. So here it is. In a pretty pink dress. Taking her little dog for a walk. >:) Trixi by Candy L. Art ©1999 by Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit)
<August 7, 1999>