<July 11, 1999>
Yes, I met Barclay Johnson at AC! It is true, he's got some great characters and great stories to tell. Here's one of his Capellans! Related to B-Artisan perhaps? :) The Capellans are © Barclay Johnson.
It's Critter the chipmunk from Yiffnet! (Well, my version of him anyway.) At AC99 he proved he was a master at tickling the ivories. He stunned everybody in the room, I believe. Bravissimo, Critter! He's © his player.
Yep, it's World Cup madness over here in the States. I'd do a strip about it, especially since Sam was once so snide about female athletes, but I'm in the middle of a story. So here is an Official. Yerf. Picture. Hey-ho! :)
A message frum Angel to you on her birthday!^^ Yay...I'm now officially fifteen...whoohoo.=) Btw, I'm kinda locked out of my mail account at the moment (stoopid Yahoo!Mail...*grumble*), so if I'm not there to reply to any messages, I really sorry!<=( I'm trying my best t'get it back, so hopefully I'll have it back soon.^^ The 1-year-older Angel (C) 1-year-older mREE!!! That's me.^^
A revamped Mangkuk-Mouth, one of those little midjits from my MM adoption agency. That place should be updated soon. Busy busy busy.
A little dragon/falcon thing I made up while at work and drew while sitting in a waiting room.
Well, some more sketches i did, while resting after the whole AC thing at Sir Kains house :) I dunno, maybe i need more sleep before trying to draw eh?
Eeeee! Human! (Have you ever tried to take a decent picture of yourself while holding the camera? Yeesh!)
adjust your monitor contrast/brightness for this one. A requesterino for Sir Kain Man of the black cattingness kind. SirKain © SirKain
Um...I'm not even going to try to explain this one =) Regin...again...circa age 21...and confused looking Grim way in the background. People keep asking if there's a story...of course there is! I thought that was pretty obvious...but anyway, © me
<July 11, 1999>