<July 6, 1999>
Shui Nuu. Her name means Water Maiden in Manderine Chinese I think.... She is a hostess of the San-zhuo Guan Inn on Furry Faire owned by Mu-lan and the Cornicopia of Furry Muck owned by Psyra. Shui is copywrited by her player.
Well, i'd like you to meet "Rage's half of the LitterBox", so lemme introduce Ajax Murphy! Poor Ajax. He's short, and what appears to be incredibly slow witted and stupid. He has this odd feeling about girls (he's a bit afraid of them), due to the fact that his dog, who appears to HATE the male sex and therefor attacks them, is female. He's usually lost, confused, or off in his own world... Anuther comical character, yup. Hmm, you'll learn more about him as the uploads come along. Ajax Murphy c. to me. Yup.
...well, EVERY group, there HAS to be that ONE person who thinks HE ranks higher then ANYBODY else! so, low and behold, Macquel Jack! Hmm.. Macquel thinks that HE is infact, THEE most WONDERFUL creation in all of history ( refer to Reggie frum Archie comics...), and along with being extremely self centered, he is absolutely girl crazy. He is a comical character though :) You'll learn more about him as the uploads cum along :) Anyhoo, Mac is c. to me! Yup!
And next we have Rage's best friend, Ricky Robuerto! He's spanish :) (he's gotta goutee, but you can't really tell in this pic). So, what about Ricky? Well, he's basically trying to get Rage's love life in order, since his best friend is too shy to ask out the love of his life. He's also more or less RD's ego. But poor Rage thinks Ricky is better looking then him, and Rage doesn't have a chance with any girls... (little does he know how wrong he is :)) Hmm..I like Ricky! Yup. Welp, I guess that sums him up. Rick c. to me. Yup.
And last, but definately not least, we have Rage's computer nerd buddy, "Trekker" Williams! Trekker isn't his real name, thats the name his friends gave him, mostly due to the clothes he wears, and the fact that he's a big Star Trek fan. Hmm..Well, he wears glasses (he's wearing contacts in this pic). Rage is about the only one who can understand him (he talks kinda like Spock and Data frum ST...), and he finds it EXTREMELY difficult to talk to Ajax (who is DEFINATELY computer illiterate)... Anyhoo, Trek is c. to me. Yup.
...And heres a second drawing I did of Trekker. I wanted to see what he looked like with glasses and without his funky hat on. Me likes this one, actually :) I can't believe how good I drew his hand (the one holding the hat)!!! Hmmm. Not much else to say about this one. I do like it though. Anyhoo, Trekker Williams is c. to me! Yup.
I drew this while sitting at grand jury...thankfully, I was dismissed :P turn 18 and they're already after you. Anyway, it's a replacement for an older crappy picture I uploaded here and deleted...mostly because it was crappy (but you already knew that)...Luna, Regin, Fox in a pretty vague picture are still © me!
<July 6, 1999>