<June 13, 1999>
Was a test with watercolors, and well.. here it is. Oh, Nesha is a mix bat/ferret/and uh, I forgot what else. :P Nesha © me, and so is the art.
I was experimenting with ancient design styles and abstraction and came up with this canid archer. Brush pen and computer coloring
Fuzzybear explaining something to a drawing Dingus. Another experiment in design and abstraction. Brush pen and computer shading. Tell me what you think!
I really enjoy experimenting with different styles, particularly those cartoony ones with rather odd rules and proportions. I did this for a recent request from a kid living abroad, in a style which I'm sure most of you will recognize. It gave me the opportunity to do a little computer coloring too, of which I'm slowly relearning the basics.
CRAZY AS A FOX (Strip #010): We find Matt O'Dour returning home from art school with his painting; including a fearful feeling from the news broadcast that disturbs him so. It looks like he could use someone to talk to. (©1999 Matthew W. Peters, all rights reserved worldwide). - Visit CRAZY AS A FOX at
This one was a request from Blitz....He saw my pic of Mandy and he likes he wanted I draw him with her...I have no prob with I did it! ^_^ I hope he likes it... Blitz©Phillip Penny
Goodbye, 'Bones'...
It's been a while, hasn't it folks? But here I am. This is a comic book character from my story "The Catastrophe of Romeo and Juliet", featuring Boomer and Juliet on the cover. Oops, looks like Olivia knocked down a plant...(must... fix... sky backdrop...)
It's a picture of a dragon =) Well, actually, it wil appear on the index of my new webpage. I decided the one I have now was...well...crappy--and irritating. So here's part of a picture that will soon be colored...Sildhedara..who has -something- to do with all of my characters...only he doesn't actually exist =) © me
A young fur daydreams of her boyfriend. A older drawing I touched up, and colored. I plan to use it on my art web site later. (Bunnykids Series) Art ©1999 by Donald Brown. (Oldrabbit)
<June 13, 1999>