<May 27, 1999>
Cecilia, and an Owston's Palm Civet. Cecilia's all dressed up to give someone a good whacking. (I ain't naming names, but I could bear to see some folks get a nice solid whack upside the head, right about now.) Cecilia's © me me me.
The Right Honourable Mister Sheridan, a.k.a. Lemur-Boy, etc, seems such a vocal part of the furry art commentary scene that there ought to be more pictures of him. So here are some Lemur Boy sketches...yes, his mighty "frink" of justice will be heard throughout the land. (That's the noise lemurs make, right? I haven't been taking notes) Lemur here is © his crispety crunchety self.
Request pic for a nice young ferret name of Lily Daggerswift. She's a sneaky thief-y gal; looks like she's got something insidious planned. Lily D. © her player.
Commission pic for Nyulo Darkstone. He's an otter, yep. He has some nice trees in back of him. His sword has strange and mystical inscriptions on it. (One of them is a calculus formula for the area between two curves. ) Nyulo © his player-type chap.
One of de Wylfin's more enigmatic and frustrating works.
A certain vulpine who shall remain nameless speculated (more like challenged)in a Purrsia.Yerf post that I might next do him going into a tub of blue Jello. Well, this was a couple of weeks ago but after a lingering bout with the blue meanies I finally got around to it. You know who you are - ENJOY!
This boy does what should've been done long ago....
Tawana Gilroy's CatsWhisker, from the top down, singin'! (In place of the other shot of her I did, which I thought was lame.)
Awkay, y'know of that ancient physical concept where you half a flat rectangular surface, then take one of thosew halves and half it, then half THAT half? That was used here. Somehow, this could be BETTER.
"Rakkar -- A new fragrance, from Calvin Feline".. His quote, not mine! :) Rakkar from Yiffnet, Rakkar is © his player.
This is KitFox......we did an art exchange....and I dunno if he did a pic fer me........anyway...hehhe... KitFox©Chris LaFolette.
ruff cleanup of a character inspired by another dobie character in a film i just can't recall at the moment. haven't thought of a name for him at the moment, but i'm sure something'll stick :) spent waay too much time at work talking so ink and paint'll have to wait 'till tomorrow or so. TTFN! :) (TahTahForNow!)
Here's a long overdue commission to Eric Goodwin for his help in building my PC last year. I'm not entirely happy with this pic, maybe I'll get around to redoing sometime. Anyway, Kendall is (C) Eric Goodwin. The artwork is (C) me. Thanks Eric.
Regin actually looks happy...and a bit arrogant too =) Leandra's not impressed, I guess. Just a small picture I did...for no particular reason :P A much younger Regin and Leandra © me
I'm working late tonight. :P
<May 27, 1999>