<April 22, 1999>
Another animeish rendition of Inhandra. It's kinda old, but I only now got around to coloring it
I wish i could put my people life drawing stuff here, but that'd be I'm putting a furry life pic up instead. :) Drawn last Friday while babysitting at someone's house. The kitty's name is Sabrina (written on the side), and she's so cute! The pic's cute too, but I like the real version more. :)
"I'm learning!", he said in a Ralph Wiggum voice. Another f(punctuation)ing dragon pic from me. Never mind, there's always the rest of the Recent Uploads page. CAN'T BE!! Yes, for the...2nd time EVER, ('member dingo1.jpg?) Jessica Ratte has drawn a GOOD picture of Rage.*applause* Okay, back on topic. Story: sitting in my room, saying I need good pics of RD, and here's one that I'm proud of!It's a pic of Rage, leaning against his name. Yup. Me likes. Also testing out the effects with PSP5. :) Yup. Rage c. to me, so no steal. Yup. run now Noah run, run like the wind now Run, run run now Noah run, DON'T STOP!.... Noah c. to Steph, Calico and Viv c. to me. Yup.
When Psycrowe saw da pic of Noah with the little Noah in the front, and the big Noah in the back, she wanted me to draw a pic like that of Ryley, so here be, a piccie of a big Ryley head in the back, and a little him in the front. I like this one. The back pic turned out better then the front...He looks like Rage in this one...which was coincidental, that and I didn't have a reference pic of Ry, so I did it all by memory, and luckily my mem was good :) Anyways, this is a good pic :) Me proud. Ryley c. to Adelle Crowe! Art c. to me. Yup.
Okay, OKAY. Ratfinks Den anniversary was ALONG time ago, but hey, atleast I got a pic done, Right??? Okay, well, I drew this while watching GhostBusters 2 (hence the logo looking sumwhat like the GB logo...hee hee). Anyways here is Noah (naturally...this is me your talking about)um, I dunno, celebrating SkylightWeasel Prod. anniversary, which was March 14, of 1999! Anyways, Noah c. to Steph, and SLW is to. And the art is c. to me, and the GB logo, which I kinda copied, c. to those cool dudes, and Yup.
Hmmm. Yeah, here's the 5th LMNTmal: Soul, Life and Death! Yup that's the whole name. Or just SoLiDe, for short. Or Sparky? o{8-} SoLiDe doesn't join in all the fighting and taking-over-stuff of the 4 others, it likes more to quietly stay with the boss of them guys. It barely talks and is kinda mysteeeerious, right? And it is genderless. And © ME! (bows)
The Twins enjoy the day. A older drawing. I colored, and added some grass to it. :) Art©1999 Donald Brown (Oldrabbit)
An older picture from last year...a simple pretty Japanese kitten sitting in her dojo...
Meet Squeeks, the new mascot of Squeeky Productions. He's © me. Oh, my homepage ( has been updated. Check it out.
<April 22, 1999>