<April 11, 1999>
Steel jaw leghold traps. These barbaric torture devices are still legal in some states. (shutter)
Here's the neapolitan trio. Obviosly their names are Chocolate Vanilla and Strawberry. These three girls go everywhere together. They're © me
Yoeres Van Donk, as he is. I did a really bad colouring job on this one... ugh. Yoeres is © me respectively. Not that anyone would want this donkey for size. Oh well. No matter.
Foxina, of FurryMuck/Furtoonia/SPR fame. © Me!
As a member of the "Bizarre Wars" APAzine, I've created a little country called "The Union" (creative, neh?). Here we see a freshman at Sollod State, the most prestigious (and almost only) center for higher education in the Union, um...well, get a higher education than expected. D-.
Something I cobbled together from a couple of different pix for the "Rowrbrazzle" APA. Boy, I sure love drawing unis... -:D
My first ever commission, of Ron Deaver's Taliesin McLeod character, from back in '94. I've spruced it up in PhotoShop, as though that weren't obvious, because some of the original marker colors were really garish.
I've joined the ranks of the REAL underground artists...hee! With my partners in crime in the "Tucson Mob", we've taken over a section of storm drain near my place and started putting up 'morph art. This was my first, and stands about 5'6" tall RL.
Issa grinning uni! He must be happy to see you, or that a cream pie behind his *SPLAT*
I was feeling pretty sick about how weasels are slagged. I mean, a big smlly cat takes out a deer, an' it's all NOBEL and NATURAL and such. A weasel eats a mouse, and it's so MEAN and preditory! Bah!!
It's a cute ermine. You know, ermines and other mustalids always seem to have big noses. Gosh, no one cares, do they?
I laugh boldly in the face of adversity after drawing (*GASP!*) people. I like this one, for no particular reason.
Marty and Jen in what I think is my second attempt at a shaded black-and-white pencil drawing. Many warm fuzzies to all the FoLCs who may have dropped by on a whim and recognised the source of inspiration behind this pic. (Furry FoLCs...well, I guess stranger things have happened.)
My fellow yearbook staffers and I as furries. Left to right: Ian, our Official Staff Driver; Tom, photographer and layout squirrel; Kim, editor (and roommate); yours truly, art freak; and Kristy, our other photographer and the only sane person in the bunch, which is why she always seems embarrassed to be around us in public.
This was part of an interesting trade. In exchange for this drawing, I'm getting a piece of theme music written for one of my characters by that prince of pianos, Brendann Dunn. (Whose name I bet I'm mangling. I know him better as Roho.) I think it's a cute sketch, if you can get past the whimsical 'Super Mario Tree'. Roho is © Brendann Dunn. Akako is ©.. er.. Akako?
The theme of this batch is 'Stuff for Chums', I suppose. This simple one was a story character made for an RP muck by Yamaneko. Anisa, a lepine barmaid, blocking a thrown knife with a serving tray. I used some cheap drawing tricks to crank it out fast, but it worked. ;) Anisa is © Greg Crothers
The great American diner. A haven for philosophers of our modern day and age. It seems to me like all the best questions are asked and answered in greasy-spoon dives. Pacrat's "pr-room1" pic just popped this scene into my head, so here it is, if she doesn't mind. The answers are arranged in order after the questions in "pr-room1", left to right, top to bottom. Can you find the reference to 'The Tick'? Pacrat's © Jennifer Rodriguez.
This is from a little while back, when both myself and a friend of mine were deep in the throes of Final Fantasy Mania. I combined some muck characters with FF characters, much like many furs have done already. I liked it anyway. This is Zoltan, as Barret. Zoltan is © Gen Whitmore. (Extremely ©! She kicka you butt if you cross, I seen it!)
An old (about a year or so?) rough sketch/character design of a gryphon chief for one of my probably-will-never-be-published comic ideas. He's wearing battle duds. Cool beans huh? No name yet though...Big Bad Chief Griff © to Kitsumi.
Eurofurence 4 badge that I drew for Blacktiger.
Eurofurence 4 badge that I drew for Dreamfox.
Eurofurence 4 badge that I drew for DocO.
Eurofurence 4 badge that I drew for Tigerchen.
Lily and her friend, Tae, in a silly old fashioned "rescue girl from dragon" scene. Taepion Zerohour © Louie Meilke. Artwork & Lily Raccoon © 1999 Lily Yvonne Bonillas.
Lily and Dusty Wolf taking lil baby Chibi out on a stroll. Chibi © Chibit1. Artwork, Lily Raccoon, & Dusty Wolf © 1999 Lily Yvonne Bonillas.
Lily and her old friend Dusty Hedgehog. He is helping her climb off a fence. She is showing off her new clothes. Dusty Hedgehog © Dusty Scott. Artwork & Lily Raccoon © 1999 Lily Yvonne Bonillas.
Lily and Taepion reading a book. Sorry the image is so small. Taepion Zerohour © Louie Meilke. Artwork & Lily Raccoon © 1999 Lily Yvonne Bonillas.
Lily and her friend Tae arguing next to a tree. He longs to be her "hero". Taepion Zerohour © Louie Meilke Artwork & Lily Raccoon © 1999 Lily Yvonne Bonillas.
All felines, even the gentlest and kindest ones, have a set of the most wicked natural weapons. Here I am, contemplating what are essentially retractable razor blades on my fingertips. I've had the training, I know how deadly they can be. What's better? To know exactly what they can do, or to be ignorant? Also, it's sort of in response to what oCeLoT said on Yiffnet about artists not pushing themselves, so I eschewed PShop and went with the colour pencils.
<April 11, 1999>