<April 6, 1999>
Gulper is a really hungry little critter and he will swallow anything that looks good to him. (That's about everything.) Keep a good distance. You would look good to him too and he can swallow things that are bigger than he is. That hungry hungry little guy is © me.
This is a pic from a couple years back that continues to haunt me. Lolly-mym is insanely evil and quite possibly the creepiest thing I ever drew. I mean, looking at the left side of his face long enough can give people the creeps. He's © me. You don't want to see him when he REALLY gets crazy.
Bigears, the most darlin' little fennec on FurryMuck! He is, of course, copyright his player.
A comission for Gaber the Aaracokra's homepage, "The Asylum".
My alt char on FM, Libra the Gryphon.
"Who, me?!?" Hehe.. my part of an art exchangie-poo with Cyber Tha Hare! She's © herself, folks.. don't steal her, or she'll come after ya with the Blue Screen of Death! ooOOoo
Mwahaha! You cannot escape! I have even mutilated Gene and CatsWhisker (lemme know what ya think guys.. I'm new at this.. hehe) Aww, but it looks so cute... they's © their cool cat selves...
Heh.. yes, and I'm in the "More Birds on Yerf" campaign... here's a char of mine from a fanfic I wrote (is for a furry movie... wanna know? Is called "Cats Don't Dance" :and hopes she don' get any hatemail fer this hahaha:...) Dr. Henrise © me...
Awww, isn't that cute? I know this pic makes her look like a 9 year old (she's 14, mind you), but I love it so much I decided to upload it anyway. Joey is © me, don't forget :)
Totoro to-to-ro....©Hayao Miyazaki. Does anyone have the original Japanese video?
<April 6, 1999>