<March 28, 1999>
Dingos and kangaroos are natral enimies. Uh oh. This could mean trouble. Jacky © me. Alpha Dingo © Becky Sparks
Sir Kain would really like to pull out Excalibur and become king of all England. WOULD like to, hehe. Good luck Sir Kain. I think only Arthur can do that. Sir Kain © Eric Goodwin
Jen insisted that Tangerine should be wearing this adorable nighty. I like the way the last panel turned out.
Jen also gave me her imput on Lemon. Lemon is Orange's mother and a scary person. What a weird family.
Ducks like to jam.
The B&W piccie I spoke of
This one's got a *story* behind it, you lucky children! See, whenever I show a particular picture to my non-furry friends (hint: it's on this page), they all assume that it's, y'know, dirty or something and tell me what a sick little pervert I am. Hence, the drawing you see to the left. My roommate likes this one - makes her laugh. Heh.
Ack, time to go back to school, but atleast I finished a few poictures in my breif break. This is something a bit different - more of an experiment really, though I might redue it since I had originally envisioned a darker picture.
Just a new pic of me, drawn mainly for the planned update to my web page. Yes, I do update that thing sometimes. Fenn © me
Darn it. Eat something!
Chilly did a pic of my CatsWhisker and I that was so beautiful I have a reduced version of it as my computer background. :) So here is something from a very grateful fur of Chilly and her Nakko. I think everyone misses someone sometimes... Thank you cool mousie! :) Chilly is © Erika L. Rosengarten & Nakko is © Nakko T.C. Warner
Umm.. Ocicat, I think the cutting-room floor is where that scene was *meant* to end up! I was at (what I thought was) the screening of the final cut, and that whole ending was changed. (The gov't decides to cooperate with LeChat and I defuse the beamjacking hookup while LeChat calmly blows the terrorists away.) The producers decided, in light of recent RL events, that it put the gov't in an unfavorable light and struck that ending... I thought.. (?)
Shaddy - er, heh - Ni'er Shading, president of Osider (smirk)! Isn't he just such a CUTE Squargling, pondering about his next political move like that? o8-) Athie lllllliked that pic! o8-D Right, he and whole Osider are © Athena of Axetron
Skippy, the.. er.. I forgot! o8-} I dug around in my old drawings today and found some chars I drew back then (at least 7 years ago, eep!), and I thought Skippy is cute enuff to be redrawn! I remember I made him to be some sorta monkey.. oh well, he's © meeeee! (hugs Skippy)
He smiles as she jumps down to greet her boyfriend. I bet they have a nice day planned. :) Bunnys Series ©1999 Donald L.Brown (Oldrabbit)
I like kangaroos.
<March 28, 1999>