<March 21, 1999>
Hey! Where's Kevin going?
What's he got??
Everybody wants to know! ;) Go to and find out! :)
Realized suddenly that I haven't done a *single* pic of any of Go's other chars...O_o' So here's Rae Riley, his very spiffy fox girl char!=^.^= Gah...I think I'm developing a case of artist's block...Rae (C) Willy Wonka Ruzicka.=^.~= *teehee* j/k
No, that lion sitting behind the zebra is not me.
And I make another appearence.
I wonder if that really was a salesman?
No description neccesary for this page.
Hey, it's upload 100 for the Bigfella Machine. Took me long enough...Anyway, to keep me from getting a swelled head, B-Artisan is proudly displaying an early version of a Capellan* I did way back in eighth grade or so. Yeah, can put that away now, B. (*They were called "Sarrods" back in those days.)
Apparently landsharks taste like cold cuts. Go figure... The dreadful Fox Shark © Amy Pronovost.
New picture. Angel Bear got upset because I got the name wrong. Pizza Mel!
The suddenly flap-happy MelSkunk finds an employment opportunity.
What MelSkunk had to learn before going on that first assignment.
From Left to right: Soria (Raccoon), Norton (Jackal), Briam (Wolf), and Vanessa (Rabbit) The crew of the story I'm writing. :) The copy machine doesn't do them justice. :)
This is two crew memebers of a story I am writing. the Unicorn... is Named Five Thirty. The Cheetah is Melissa. :)both © me.
a kinda misc. thing. i gues Ark isn't too happy about something. oh yeah, and i gave myself a new look. hair style is suppose to look like Primera from Xenogears... also, happy birthday to Barachan, i'll draw a pic for you when i can! =) Ark, KanE, and Soca -c- ourselves.
"Where are you taking this ... thing?" (Microns & a Sharpie, March 1999)
Lord Regin Faolan...he should maybe try not to smile so much? ^_^ A picture I had lying around for a while that I finally decided to color--gouache and colored pencil. Astoundingly, his armor came out the way I wanted it to. Does this mean I'm actually happy with one of my drawings? it does not. =)
<March 21, 1999>