<March 12, 1999>
Here's a new, cute little creature now to be known as an ottee, an otter with a manatee tail.
Recently I put a piece of regular printer paper through water-torture. It seems to have survived it though, and is recovering nicely. This is a raven.
Storm Wind. She is tired of running. She will go no further. Now she will fight.
Thorn, my dragon persona, and about time I drew a female. :)
So I was starring at this little part of a Renaissance study I did for art class last year, and I dreamed up the background. Then I made a foreground. His feet are kinda big, though.
A request pic for the ever-unique Tannut Stag Hare, also © his Redwally player-chap :) Hares eat too much, eh wot?
Time to catch up on my request pics! First up: When Crosshatching Attacks, tonight on Fox. (specifically, on T. FoxFire here, © 'is player)
A request pic for Zero the blue-haired ferret! Zero and her guy get all cute 'n' snoogly, with a bubble-wrap backdrop. :9 Zero © her player!
"Dark Mage" - Destiny casts a spell. Sorry about having to make you see this again, needed to add and correct some stuff on it.
Jacky Mango meets the blueroo. I'll leave what happens next to the imagination. Jacky © me, Blueroo © Lysoszyme
I painted this skunkfem with the intension of gluing things to the paper. Turns out that school glue does not adhere to coins. They have fallen off. The neclace was made from a cheap bracelet. (actually found a use for it.)
I rescanned it so you can see more of the picture. It's an early watercolor painting but it's a personal favorite. "Uh Taffy, where did you get that?" © me
In Hell's leftovers, Jadar is Kelvin's brother. He's a kickboxer and he plays the guitar. His weird music is attracting weird creatures. I painted this a few years ago. Jadar is © me and no, I don't really have a brother.
Florence Ambrose meets Laika the Cosmodog. (What can I say, I'm a big "Freefall" fan.) Florence © Mark Stanley
Here's some of the regulars at the Calumny Tavern on FurryMUCK: From left to right: Canuss, Nate, Iann (the squidly one), Malton (that 'plane' little character in the foreground), Random, Roxiana, Nevile, Rackety and kobus. I might not have gotten everyone there that I wanted to in this picture, but I crammed as many into the picture as I could on a 9"x12" piece of paper...
Meet Joe Sax. This blue jazz bunny guy's for a friend of mine. :)
Randolph, Rudolph's long lost cousin. *I think* 'E looks like an 'orse...
Redwall's Martin the Warrior!
Scythe, a hyena/fox outcast, with that weapon of his. "Gerroudahere!"
You know.. there's nothing calculated to so ruin a space station's Chief of Engineering's day so much as a nasty slimey, be-tentacled alien beastie creeping about in a damaged spacecraft. The things simply can *not* behave themselves. Luckily, Skatt's got something to teach 'em manners with. Skatt and artwork, © myself.
Sort of a neat idea... It's Laz dressed up to look like Citan, from Squaresoft's Xenogears, perhaps my favorite of their RPGs to date. It was a friend's idea, but I like it. Might do a series. Heh. Right. ;) Laz is © myself, Citan © Squaresoft, I'd imagine.
A bit of an embarrasment for me: Calico Katt actually had her "Thank You" pic for me compeleted *before* I had completed the pic she was thanking me for! But here it is, anyway: a nice group pic of the Litter Box crew. Rage looks quite happy, and why not? He gets to pal around with both Vivian and Calico. :) All char's © the very nice Jessica Ratte. :)
<March 12, 1999>