<August 3, 1998>
I heard a commercial on the radio (of course I heard it, how could I read or watch it, duh!) of a guy who brings a dog into a market to sniff out the box of Coca-Cola with the $100 ATM card in it and then the dog wouldn't give it to him till the owner would give 60/40%. This is a parody I did.
Sox decided to go play "fish" with one of the infamous Card Sharks of the GluteeNeeNob bay in the South DooBee sea.
Here's Sox (the little version) flying through the air on a wagon with Schooze hangin' on for dear life on the end of a rope behind the speeding blur of red traffic.
Hrmm.. How to describe this.. Well, basically all i was doing was using more prismas in an experiment! AND!! I found a great tool on my image editing program, but you don't get to know what it was. ;> Have fun scrolling down the rest of the page!
Robin Goldplume leaps into the air with both swords drawn. Yes, I know his name is spelt wrong in the filename :I
Dora the Green, with her sidekick, Bud the lizard guy and a five headed dragoness, Tori (Tiamat) sitting on some rocks.
Group of characters in color.
The Grand High Pod Leader and Top of the Food Chain, Tsunami III, despot of the city state of Reenland, with some of his elite bodyguard, the Tigershark Corsairs.
Fencing is fun, part two. This is a rework of a pic from April or so; I'm not thrilled with the coloring and I like the sketch much better, but I think this is pretty cute nonetheless. :)
Three...ah...lovely ladies from Toons, Fur, and Fluff. Clockwise from top are Jiao-Long (Tyrannosaurus/Tarbosaurus bataar), Heyyou (Troodon), and Krishva (Procompsognathus). Jiao-Long found out that catching fireflies in your mouth isn't the best way, and bugged the other two to help. . . Krishva is © Kristin Jaque, and Heyyou © Cindy Cabrera. Jiao-Long is © me.
Bink Bunny....the `innocent' bunny ©1998 Me :)
Sneakers doing some photography
Here's Bendaii, full-body-like as they come, and she's yelling her heroic yell of action! (Whatever it is. o8-) ) She's (C) Doo, who's me!
Jumpy tries to explain Our Young (VERY young!) Hero that it isn't armor and weapons that count, but being fast and witty, to survive in a world that's brown and blurry (I need better backgrounds!) Jumpy and Our Young Hero are (C) me, like always
Used a photo for this one as a ref, and changed a few things while drawing, to make her look kinda intelligent. C-cuuute kitty...!
Oh, Teena again! Inviting her friend Bobby to a nice Banana IceCream she made! Nyum, Bobby, aren't you lucky?? Those two rabbits and the Banana IceCream with chocolate are (C) me
<August 3, 1998>