<July 28, 1998>
This was a picture done by request from Ryvern on SPR. I like it okay, except that it doesn't look like him. I mean, SURE, it's okay for an ordinary wolf cub, but it just doesn't look like him. He was very patient. This too along time to get these mistakes done. :>
YAY! CATNEL'S BACK! Am I excited? Oh, I dunno... ;) Catnel is © the wonderful Colleen Phillips. Re!
Commish pic for Doj Darkclaw, who looks slightly perturbed (probably because he had to wait for a shamefully long time before I got around to drawing this pic ;) Doj © his player.
Naked mole rats.
An oldish (spring '98) Really Amazing Super-Team picture; here we see the Team during their formative years in the NASA labs, being raised for a life of space exploration...Never made it into the comic book, owing largely to the comic book's nonexistence. RAST © me.
Hey everyone, it's my 99th upload!^.^ *bounce bounce* Ennywayz, here's Chibi-Razberri! Heck, I've been drawing a lotta chibi lately...but hey, I'm in a chibi mood.^.~ I really like da background on this one. Hopes ya likes, Raz!=D Razberri (C) Erin Vernon.
A somewhat closer look at Xoome, your average robotic Hummingbird/Woodpecker bad-mouthed hybrid!Makes Zazu look like a Tiki bird =P Xoome©me.
Two new characters I've been toyin' with in the MMX RP:Ravenmore(the big female Storm Eagle lookalike)and Xoome(the little runt flyin' beside her).I mostly just sketched this for a size comparison between the two.Both©me.
How surprising...not ONE Zorro pic up yet!You'd think you'd see SOMEONE put up a pic of some fox bearing the infamous black mask right about now!HA!I BEAT YA ALL!*I* at least going to put up a pic of the ORIGINAL Zorro;Diego De La Vega(Anthony Hopkin's character).Zorro©I seriously don't know...?
Awwww! Isn't oCeLoT kyOOte? And now, I'm going into hiding. Bye!
This is first of probably serial pics from Maverick and Blaze's wedding (yup, we did it on FurNation chat at Friday, July 24). Congrat me furs. Well if you won't I really don't care.
I *love* it when good things happen to good people! Catnel is back on Yerf! Coolness!!! :) We missed you...
I haven't drawn a pic of Silvamord in ages! Actually, I don't even think there're any of her (done by me) on this archive anymore! (I deleted a lot of yucky old pics.) Anyway, here she is, in an outfit I made up for her on Redwall MUCK after I realized it was July and she still had a winter desc.
Wally B. Astro in one of the sort of situations he finds himself in. Kerpow and whatnot. Astro © me, if anyone's keeping track. =o)
Fooling around with colored pencils and posterboard. It's... colorful, I suppose. All characters © their creators. [guess who they are! =oP]
Werewolves are cool, and this one is doubley so. Thanx Dan for being so patient. Work puts such a damper on my art time anymore it seems. The very cool Hunter is © Dan Skelton.
This is Matt Peters' furry character, Mutt Peters. Sorry about the mix-up with the description. Mutt is © Matthew Peters.
<July 28, 1998>