<July 12, 1998>
Kevin Goes to AAC, Chapter 14... This picture, in a very subtle and understated fashion, is meant to convey my love of comics. The bemused Timebase in the background is © Ryan Dewalt. :)
Fer a nift-ay fur with kewl art style!!!=D HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CALICO KATT!!!^.^ I think this turned out okie...but of course it looks a bit plain next to Go's b-day pic for Calico.^.~ But ennywayz, hopes u had a great one, CK!! Hey, cool, CK....sorrie.=) Calico ish (C) Jessica Ratte.
Continuing my experiences at AAC, I meet one old friend and two new ones (iRL, I mean) :)
All right.. I'm BACK. Well, kinda.. I've been gone for family stuff (and Drivers' Ed, YEAH!) and then I was gone because my scanner was -- and still is -- broken.. so I was digging around to find something, ANYTHING to up-load, and found this li'l diddy of 'Resa, lookin' unnaturally thin and staring down at the city below. Umm.. well.. yeah.. Teresa Lane © me
One of my friends IRL loves Victorian period clothing. Anyway, she asked me to draw her a Victorian-style pic, and I gladly agreed! I don't like how the dress came out at all, but the hair's kinda cool. I tried that 'shiny' look, and for once, it actually worked! (Bows for the viewers) Well anyway, her name's Jean. :)
Another gal who's done so many pics for me, and I haven't repaid her yet! Kyn! I did a pic for her a looong time ago, (for her birthday, actually) but I didn't like how it came out. Here's one that's actually semi-decent. She deserves way more, though, for all the awesome drawings of my chars she's done. Kyn's © Josie Bowler. Corel wasn't cooperating, so I have to do the © thing this way....:(
Another fox.
<July 12, 1998>