<July 4, 1998>
First illustration for my first Forest Tales story. Chakat Forestwalker lick-kisses hir mate Kris Fletcher as they cuddle lovingly. Read the story in Fur Plus #4. Forestwalker is © 1998 Bernard Doove.
This picture is to commemorate the historic first meeting between a certain lop-eared lass and myself. Trixi and Goldfur bumped into each other recently and a picture was promised. Well, slow as I am, it's finally done! Trixi is © Candy Lewin. Goldfur is © me!
Mililani the fox.
Minkle! This is Sully's little bird friend. I just drew him from memory so I hope he looks reasonably Minklish -- it's been a while since I've looked at one of Sully's Minkle pics.
Oldest pic of Stoneth (me) ever back when he had black hair and angel wings. Initially concieved from religious symbolism.
Here sits my ft character Ricky. He is waiting for his friend Pearl :)©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit
<July 4, 1998>