<July 2, 1998>
He's an Abyssinian Cat with an aditude. She's a wandering Naga tresure hunter. Can they get along? How'd they meet? What happens next? Just what the hell am I talking about?...I haven't gotten that far yet...
A thank-you picture fer Teresa Lane!=D Thankies for doing such a spiffy pic of Angel!^.^ Hopes ya likes this pic! It wuz mainly done in Paint Shop Pro...but I used a very little bit of Photoshop to enhance it. Which reminds me...anyone else have a prob w/ transfering a pic back an' forth between Photoshop and another art program? I colored a pic in Photoshop and then when viewed in Netscape, it looked really blocky. Any ideas what might be wrong? Teresa Lane ish (C) Erynne Waltman.
That morning, the gal never saw the thing comin'.
Yet another midsummer "I'm alive!" report. And first comes a vision of Shelley Monaghan's Dawndra. (Don't worry abot the word 'peripatetic'; it has nothing to do with 'pathetic'. If you got an e-mail for me, just carbon-copy it to: [email protected]. I won't be here for a long while after this. Sorry, Shelley and Dawndra, both! Dawndra crght Shelley MONAHAN! (I was replacing your LN w/ Monaghans, Texas! Sorry, geography-nut's force of habit.
It appears the Gawaine hit Ride-O-Rocket in his kilt. (This was actually nearly completed around the time the Galaxy 4 satellite did a ballerina turn on us...but it woulda been so out of date by now, I just put 'im on the moon.)
In case she lookt kinda fuzzy in the other pic, Samipharalia Saxifrage. (Say it. Sam-me-fa-RAY-lee-uh SACKS-ih-fruj.)
Got that colour contrast RIGHT... uhm..well.. maybe not. ;^_^ I wish this picture didn't seem so drab to me, but I still like it. Nyako-sensei!
I'm happy with my new scanner, and I think Trixi is with her new scanner, too. Being the weird person I am, I sketched a little picture.. er, I don't know if loppzies purr or not, but.. uhm.. yeah. ;^_^
A character I once played on Fursperia before giving her up to another player, this epaulated bat alchemist is mixing up another of her mysterious (and often explosive)concoctions.
Kitengele's a white-naped and very cowardly weasel I play on TLK MUCK. . . but he's got a sweet personality under it all, if you can find it past all those stuttered consanants. ^^
The marsupial lion (named Lion; aren't I original?) with a striped hyena mask. Kinamkela, to be more precise.
Some adorable little unnamed unicorn colt with a butterfly on his horn.
Not a clue to what it is. I just drew it.
Actually, busses and trains would smell *better* - fur-covered critters don't sweat like humans do. They pant instead ...
Whilst I was on vacation, my precious chinchilla died. I'll miss the little feller.
Me is back from "wonderful" trip. So, here is a pic of Aurora in "The neverending battle between good and evil". It's gonna be put on a t-shirt for sale. If anybody would actually buy tees with my characters, e-mail me.
Limpidity #257: Mayoral Duties
Limpidity #258: Mayoral Duties
Limpidity #259: Mayoral Duties
Here are two furs that are haveing a good time. I wonder what they are up too.:) Bunnykids Series ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit.
Here is a pretty femm that is enjoying a lazy afternoon. Who knows she maybe thinking about a boyfriend.:) Bunnykids Series ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit.
Here are two furs that like each other a lot. I bet he gets a kiss.:) ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit.
This is Silas as a GEW (Genetically Altered Wolf) On a new MUSH somewhere out there. I like how this turned out, specially cause it's my first time drawing a wuff :P Expect to see more...
<July 2, 1998>