<June 29, 1998>
This is a girl having trouble with her puter! =/ Reminds me of me! ;> Yesh Riley, Dis issa me! Just sos you know me gots proof dis is mine! *snugs and kisses!*
I wanted to do a picture for the song 'Ange;' by Sarah McLachlan. So here it is.
Kevin goes to AAC, chapter 2 - Lindgold, Gene and I go to Trixi's house and find her modem cord has been sadly misused. (The real story is only *slightly* different.) :) All characters © their players.
Kevin goes to AAC, chapter 3 - At last the second leg of my journey begins -- KainCon! Here, EricSkunk and several other furs meet me at the airport -- sort of. All characters © their players.
Kevin goes to AAC, chapter 4 - Yes! Rian Real, the coolest puma on the planet, made a Kevin plushie! I think I handled it with a certain dignified calm. Rian Real is © Chris Cummins. :)
Kevin goes to AAC, chapter 5 - Arriving at KainCon was Catnel, husband Ron, and daughter Kassy, the well-known martial arts expert. Ask anybody. ;) Catnel and Kassy are © Colleen Phillips.
Kevin goes to AAC, chapter 6 - TET!!! The folf pounces! And I... um, I... am pounced. Muchly. ;) Tet Solfire is © Ryan Dewalt.
The first b-day pic that I've actually done on time.^.^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EMILY SMITH!!!!=D Er, I don't know u at all an' u don't know me at all...but I noticed a while ago that in one of your pic descriptions you mentioned your b-day, an' I really like your spiffie art, so what da heck--drew u b-day pic!=) Hopes ya likes! Nisyha ish (C) Emily Smith.
I've colored him (and deleted the B&W, good netiquette). Same wolf, from the same dream, as I saw him. Actually he was me, in the dream. Any Ideas for names? [email protected] is listening. :)
A lion with an extreme snarl. Done with the WACOM(TM)(R)(C) Inc. Pty. Ltd.
Yet another contribution to the "What if the world went furry?" scenario.
A 3" fox (Amarim) tries to vent some rage. Amarim © T.A. Starr
One of the two images that excaped the purge, either because it wasn't THAT bad or held some sort of sentimental value. If nothing else, it can be used as a measure of how much my ability has changed sence..
Sometimes the only way to work thru your pain is to grab a brush and inflict huge, ugly masses of black on an already pouty-looking figure. Image © Trent Drake.
Altarskunk's wacky congregation
<June 29, 1998>