<June 26, 1998>
A cute little lion that was on the back cover of an issue of that still being published?
Everyone needs to do the laundry.
I've decided to chronicle my forthcoming AAC experiences, as I begin to meet the furs who will be there, one by one. First, I met Lindgold at the airport as he was arriving from New Zealand. Although I didn't actually *say* this, I was so nervous that I *could* have! Still, it was for nothing -- Lindgold is as cool IRL as he is on IRC. He's © Grant Preston. :) More to come, I hope.
A very happy belated birthday to Pepe Val Pew, © David Hopkins. :)
Another request pic of Foresta and Briar; they're sittin' by a river, playing Pooh-sticks or something. Both © Kate Bogen!
My first commission pic, a B&W picture of Baby Alastair, done for the Invitations for my Sister's Baby Shower. Colored version, whenever I get around to it. Allie © Ryan and Candyce..
Benn awile I've uploaded a "how-to-draw" pic...might as well do one now!This little bobcat kitty is none other than Uno's friend,Duet!Duet's©me.
A color version of Duet?Think she's cute enough to dethrone them foxes from the kyoote throne?Nahhhh...Duet©me.
Yup,you guessed it:I did a "what if the world became Furry" pic!It was bound to happen;Raid becomes an illegal substance!Oh,and I'll be heading to Orlando tonight,so don't expect any new pics until I return in July!BIYA,FOLKS!
You know the drill. 14x 17 color pincel. Raina's taking a break from hiking on the appilachian trail. BTW in case anyone wondered or cared, the reason for my lack of recent uploads was due to the fact that my computer was fried by lightening, but its fixed now:)
Haven't uploaded anything for a few months, but the "What if the world went furry?" challenge was too intriguing to resist. Here's my first contribution to the effort.
And here's my second contribution to the "What if the world went furry?" effort.
In the future, the world will be torn by a war with the machine. Here, a soul-less automated furry stands, known only as Unit-1077-KNDD. An experiment in computer coloring. (Ironic isn't it?) Colored with Photo-Paint.
Lots of stuff to look at. Tons of furry heads. Another sleepless night a comin.
Those aliens are, unfortunately, quite clueless, Ben. One of them even sought me out, thinking I might be able to prevent his cohorts from receiving the just recompense for their vile doings. Sigh. Ben Bruin is © Ralph Hayes, Jr.
This was a special request from a friend. :) I'm not sure whether the sly grin on Buster Charlie's face is from the subject of the book he's reading, or just his nature. Strange... I ought to know, I drew the picture. Oh well... :)
These two furs are enjoying a nice day running togeather. I bet they do this a lot.:) Bunnykids Series. ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit
Dhani the meerkat of TLK muck. She's told me she likes this little rendition of her -- I managed to get the coloration right! And before I forget, a BIG thank you to those of you who wrote to me with welcomes and comments! :) I'll be writing back soon, I promise -- I'm a terrible procrastinator when it comes to e-mail. ;)
<June 26, 1998>