<June 18, 1998>
My first color piece in a long time :) I slammed two or three species together in this one and figured "Why not colour it?" Ain't she ky00t?
Major Darien O'Dour ©1998 Sean E. Andersen
Wow! Never expected anything like this to happen :) An awesome fur, whom I belive was Shawn Leedy, made this pic look so much better than i drew it :) Its the colored Trixi :)
wow first upload 'o the summer and its a doozy thhis guy here is the character of somebody i met on the furnation irc chat you should go there its fun but i digress this is the firs of many! HUZZAH! and some junk motowolf © J.J. H.
I'm begining to like these little guys. I'll color it later.
Vix dancing in watercolor. Heat up the floor Vix! Show the nice people your moves. Again, he's mine © gerbil.
It's Kaddi. Yup, it looks like the cuteness is permanent. Kaddi is Marie Lu's heart-warming creation.
"Dont ask me why I'm in a cast" (she fell off the wing of her plane) "I HEARD THAT!!" (AIEEEE!! crash bang thud...) Kari Thatcher Copyright Brian Kinnison
While the law's away the mice will play..lets just hope Kristi waits for backup before taking on that dirty rat behind the corner Kristi Becker Copyright Brian kinnison
Snowdog and Anya prepare to take on the rest of the galaxy..should be a fair fight ^.^ Both copyright Brian Kinnison
From left to right Naomi, Bryan, Brian and Bubbles of the Transdimensional Courier Services All 4 of these yahoos are Copyright Me, B kinnison
I started thinking to myself one day, "If I really WAS a fur, what WOULD I be?" It was simple -- a grey cat. A friendly cat, one of the sweet ones. Honestly, get to know me and I am exactly that kind of cat. So, here I am -- short hair, glasses and everything. Oh, geez... Erin © Erynne Waltman ((hehe))
While I was going through a box of my things I came across a painting I thought I had lost. At the time I was so proud of it but now I look at it and see so many problems...hehe. Painted with india inks and airbrushed over. Oh, on another note, I'm 23 today. Hard to believe I've survived this long :) usual © blah blah blah...
Here's young Alistair Solfire, getting into mischief with his parent's Prismacolours. Don't be too mad at him, Trixi, he's only having fun. Look on the bright side, he could have tried to make himself look like 'Unkie Gene' <g>. I forsee a bath in your immediate future, young fur...
<June 18, 1998>