<June 3, 1998>
Nakira with AK-47 assault rifle. I don't know why did I drew the gun (just like it). Nakira ©His player.
FelicityHare teaching an unnamed skunk a few ballet lessons, awww...aren't they cute.
Yet more furries fall to the desire to be cute, whether they actually want to or not. *snicker*
I didn't feel Tiffany Soto showed the proper effect of Cutienol when consumed, poor Syke will have to be cutsie instead of her usual awe inspiring self. *smile*
A relaxing day.At least looks that way. I suppose they are decideing on how to spend the day. Bunnys series ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit
She is showing her friend where the stage is gonna be for the show.It looks like fun. I am sure they will have a good time. Bunnys series ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit
He is showing her around his home. She seems to like his house. I bet he shows her the whole thing.:) Bunnys series ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit :)
Here are three furs I know quite well.:) Melissa a Raccoon ,Raye a Tiger,and Killa a fox I hope thier player likes how it turned out. ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit Please email me,if you wish to use any of my art.:)
<June 3, 1998>