<March 30, 1998>
"Yes, hon?" Generous and strong, Tygger looks up with a slight smile. Thanks for your encouragement, Tygger. =^^= A light pencil rendition of the tigress (& excellent furry artist).
All chatting and no RP makes Jessica a bored girl. This is as background-y as I get. :)
The volcano rabbit (center) is a short-eared lapine found only in Mexico. It is an endangered species (as of a decade ago, or so.) I just cartoonified and anthro'ed it for familiarity.
A commissioned illo for Good Bears of the World International. PandaGuy says this will probably be used on buttons.
Piccy of the Fur Side cast. Gordy looks alarmed, doesn't he? Characters copyright their respective players.
The long-overdue 4th strip. Ever had the feeling you've forgotten something really vital? Number 5 coming as soon as I can get my paws on a new prismacolor
Feeling lonely
The rest is filled in using the Airbrush tools, and the Bulge brush on the bubbles. Taa-daah! The eeeevil Dr. Catlove in his orbital laboratory! Every mad scientist needs an orbital laboratory. And a start lever with a big red button on top.
I now carefully select and mask out each part of the image that will be a different texture or color, saving each mask with a descriptive name. Painter lets me choose the mask display color, so I set it to an approximation of the final color to let me judge the composition. This is the most painstaking and fiddly part of the process; it took over 3 hours for this pic. To save memory, I combine some small parts that are non-adjacent into the same mask.
Fifi LaFume is sitting under an oak while her pen pal, Oliver "Ollie" Otter talks about life. This is taken from a scene in a fanfiction of Tiny Toons entitled "Sincerely Yours, Oliver". Fifi LaFume © Warner Bros. Ollie is my creation.
Another pic for Mr. Russell. Vicki Fox was playing golf when suddenly a gopher appears! This pic wasn't considered too great when I applied for SCFA member, but I think it's cute. Vicki Fox © Michael Russell
A pic I did for the site The World Of Vicki Fox. Vicki here getting ready for some sort of sport. Tennis anyone? This vixen is © Michael Russell (oh i hope I spelled that right!)
Limpidity #227: Morton Goes Online
Limpidity #228: Morton Goes Online
Limpidity #229: Morton Goes Online
When I can't think of anything better to do, I draw silly (or awkward... can't tell which) looking toons. Since I inked one of them, here it is.
Ms. Brisby, a character from one of my fave movies, "The Secret of NIMH".
Another quick something I came up with.. if you haven't noticed, that's what most of my pics are. :) Just a wolf with cool hair, and.. love that tail. ;)
<March 30, 1998>