<March 9, 1998>
Same Soul. Taan and the nonmorphic marten, Kesho of TerraFrore, regard each other quietly. Rough pencil, needs ink and how-to-draw-martens-lessons. Thanks for great RP & artistic encouragement, you two. Taan and Kesho © Jessica Park.
I was looking over the "fan art" section of my home page, and I got to thinking of how lucky I am to have such talented furs drawing my characters, so I decided to thank them big time. Thanks, guys, I love all of ya and each and every picture you drew. :) BTW, Allan doesn't have a personal furry yet, so this'll have to do for now. ;) (Re-uploaded to fix some drawing mistakes.)
Cecilia the ferret all cute and sleepy-like. Inked with my new...india ink! Yay! I'll probably be doing lot more brush-inking from now on... Cecilia © me!
A coupla days ago, there was something of an influx of hamster art. This inspired me to do some ink sketches of my own hamsters (I used to draw them no end a few years back.) Hamsters hamsters hamsters.
Another ferret...sketches of Sarah, for the always- talented Andrew Garrett, to whom she is ©.
Ele e caboclo, ele e flecheiro - Bumba na calunga. E matador de feiticeiro - Bumba na calunga. "Picture inspired by many themes, lyrics by Soulfly!"
A good day at work.
Happy hour.
Ironclaw from FurryMUCK. This is a preliminary drawing just to get the feel of this Kzin. A commission from AltarSkunk will come later.
(Wanted to submit this earlier but had a commish and a fanzine submission to do!) When Timebase changed my age, I managed to get back to my De-Aging device. But the blasted thing had some kind of hardware failure, as you can see. So it'll be awhile before I can get myself straightened out. Arthritis, you know. :)
A second picture going along the same theme as bludcoon.gif.. still been playing the game too much.
Formal attire.
Bandit and Zuccini: portrait of friendship.
This is my little cast of critters I call "the oddimals". From left to right: Jinx Radar, the luckless bat/rat; Olivia C.Otter, the beautiful ex-princess; Boomer, a street-wise leader that is a cross between wild dog and wombat; Zuccini (me!), the hyper active misfit; Bandit, my best friend and unintentional thief (he's part opossum part raccoon); and Aurora, the bunny/wolverine butt kicking cutee. See why I call them "oddimals"?
Bandit drops down to give Olivia a little gift. Surprise!
Limpidity #221: Politics
Limpidity #222: Politics
Limpidity #223: Politics
While I'm still reading, Trixi brings in lepine reinforcements. I wasn't planning on doing this pic just yet, but I bumped it to the top of the to-do list 'cos my favourite lopess was feeling a bit down... 8-{)
<March 9, 1998>