<February 24, 1998>
Tigerwolf, head honcho for, glances casually over his shoulder and offers a goofy tiger grin. This pic comes from almost a year ago, before I started trying more realistic anatomy. (Hey, TW -- striped shorts are cruel to new artists! <grin> Thanks for all you did for Wolf Park.) Tigerwolf © his player.
Kamots Sawtooth and T'Kuro Silvergrym ride into the evening on the back of a dappled unicorn. (The best I could come up with as a one-year anniversary pic at a busy time of year. The unicorn is far better than the depiction of either wolf. *sigh* I don't draw myself terribly well. Go figure. Tips, anyfur?) Kamots © F.Pyne. Grym © me.
Zilly Grins! Zilvar of GenesisMUCK and other worlds smiles a typical Zilly smile. Nice wuffy. Good wuffy. Zilvar © his player.
YAY!Found my good inking pen and even *GASPS* did a GOOD pic of my Mega Man X-based persona,Nathus K.!Well,excuse me,I've been wanting to do a good pic of her for a while now,and this is as good as it gets!Nathus be©ME!!!!
Got SHTUFF to complete, (including three orgasms of COLOUR!) Thanx, Hysteria, for the pic of Ammy Earhart Frankfort; I thought NO ONE would ever try!
It's Kevin J. Dog.... Waitaminute... Actually he's a Puppy in this, holding a Toy Camera or did he take his parent's Camera? Kevin © Thomas K. Dye. Awww, I think Kevin is so Cute. You got to love him. :)
A fox sitting on the ground in front of some famous man-made wonders.
A picture of a fox walking in front of a city.
A fox with an RPG.
What a thorougly delightful picture Mousie drew of me! Once again I have been bestowed with the highest honor of all. I hope you like this one, Mousie! :) (who's © Kelly Siegfried)
I managed to get in touch with Kynliod Dewphire (Josie Bowler) to find out how she was doing. I hadn't seen any of her great art for such a long time. Well, I heard from her, and that's what prompted this belated birthday picture. We miss you, Kynliod...
Hey! It's Trixi! She's lookin' pretty adventurous too. Thanks for the great pic, Trixi! Hope you don't mind, but I did a wee bit of experimentation on this pic. Personally, I think it came out great. :) Trixi (C) Candy L. :)
Seems like the thing to do these days is design a character for use in the popular PC game, 'Quake'. Here's the one I'd like to play...if I was into that violent sort of thing.
<February 24, 1998>