<February 22, 1998>
It's an archer! Gasp as she jumps between the forest trees at night! Cheer as she dispences justice with her trusty bow! Marvel at her magic shampoos that keep her hair bouncy in even the most adverse conditions! (repost - the original version was just too dark)
Emmers got a new toy.. Paint Shop Pro 5! It's beautiful.. beautiful.. (rat: d'oh! I know this isn't my message board.. sorry! 0^_^) Tis Host Kilborn, in a rather small pic, but tis the world perfect? No.
My 50th upload! Whoo-hoo! It's a long overdue piccie of Emmalee, probably the most accurate one I've ever done. (And in color, too! Wow! ;) Em's © me.
Ooo, more colour! I think this one's my best yet...but I'm still practicing, so expect more of this kinda stuff in the future....anyway, I like the pose, even if Flame's holding a rose for no particular reason. Flame's © me! =)
Tara.. a psycho, kung-fu kitty. She's got an attitude, so stay out of 'er way or she'll kick your butt. :)
<February 22, 1998>