<January 19, 1998>
Well, I wanted to try out my new watercolor pencils but I also wanted to work on my pictoral novel (aka a comic book). So I took the best of both worlds. This is Chad on an awesome bike! (the scanner chewed this up though)
I was surprised how detailed some of these came out. I guess it's because I'm extra careful with a pen when I draw, knowing that the mistakes are basically irreversible and junk. Oh, and by the way, it seems that when everyone sends me a message asking me to draw them, they all seem to think that I'm going to be mad about it or something. Well I say this... Iamnotastupidhermitwholikestobeleftaloneallthetime.InfactIreallyenjoypeopleactuallyshowingthattheynoticeme
Karate Centaur - practicing with a sword
Roland, the name of a friend's Player Character in an old campaign. He wasn't always like this...
Roland, the name of a friend's Player Character in an old campaign. He wasn't always like this...
Mortal enemies, a Divruk Knight fights a Kalinae Pantren.
OK, the magic pixies that sort the files in incoming/furry must have really hated this pic, 'cos my modem died at least 3 times when I tried to upload this yesterday. So anyhows, here it is. Several-year-old hamster pic; I think it's rather cute. Anyone remember that Budweiser ad campaign?
Another rather standard angstful-vixen pic, done in Really Darn Fine-Point Rapidograph Pen. Oh, and I'd like to take this opportunity to say THANKS MUCHLY to everyone who sent me nice e-mails about Tooned Out: WRATH OF RACH; it's been swell :)
scanned pencil drawings for link buttons of my "Nimh fan Gallery" page. Mrs. Brisby and her likeness © Mrs. Brisby Ltd.
...and colored. Mrs. Brisby and her likeness © Mrs. Brisby Ltd.
First draft of a commisioned pic. Final to follow soon... artwork © me...character © ErinV...
Here's a pic to let Miss-Ratfink-Lady know that I'm NOT dead. :) I had a dream last week about black snake that could purr, so here's Lucky holding that snake in another one of my strange pics. Now go on and have some cheese, you rrr-r-r-rr-rats!!
Inspired by the "freedom fighter" genre in general. A female of some form of canine species hiding out in a grim, devastated world or the future, ready to waste her pursuit with a BIG gun. The lady's name is tentatively Linda (after Linda Hamilton [T2], at Miles' suggestion). She and the pic are © me.
A wandering warrior Panther on a cliff by the sea. The colored version of an earrlier pic. Leonid was good enough to help me out by doing the character color, then gave it ack to me to do a background. I think it's downright spiffy now. :) this is (C) me, exept the color which would be © Shawn Reed if color was copyrightable.
An un-named character. He's been appearing in my notebooks at school, holding signs indicating what class each page is notes for, hence the signs. The first char I've done w/o benefit of reference lines or anything. I must be getting better! WHEEEEEEE!!!!! If you can come up with a name, lemme know, I can't. The Un-Named Wolf is (C) me.
An early furry drawing from high school- a pirate vixen.
Koloorin in his ottaur form. Otters can't resist puns!
<January 19, 1998>